Write your NJ reps to support AR133/SR93
to oppose the designation change of DWGNRA

Supportive documents
On this page you will find supporting documents you can print out to hand out in your community.
It is important that we all voice our concerns to our legislators, locally and in DC. It is their job to represent the will of the People, and our voices need to be heard. Every one of us has a question or concern - let your legislators hear you.
Unsure of who to write? Click HERE to find your local representatives
Documents to Download & Print
Delaware Water Gap Defense Fund Brochure
This downloadable brochure contains our mission statement, questions that need to be addressed, a list of local municipalities who currently oppose the re-designation, as well as other info. You can print and hand this out to spread the word.
Delaware Water Gap Defense Fund - Who We Are
Map of Opposed Counties and Townships
John Donahue & The Sierra Club's Proposal to Re-designate the DWGNRA to a National Park & Preserve
Thank you. Our efforts are making a big difference!